Uses and Abuses of Data

Learning outcomes:

  • Describe a situation where databases might be misused for example with privacy issues and DNA
  • Describe what makes a good UI/UX

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  • Reminder of UI/UX
    • UI is User Interface and it's how people interact with your data or product
    • UX is User Experience and how people feel about the interaction
    • We want to be able to share our data, our results and our analysis with others. To be able to do this successfully we have to pay attention to UI, UX and other types of visualizations
    • Well-designed user interactions with our data and results mean others want to interact with them more, greater understanding of the data and results, and can lead to better choices being made
  • What makes good UI/UX
    • Understanding of your target market will help you understand what they need and want so your design can meet them where they are
    • Having a clear user journey, understand how they will go through your UI/UX/visualization including what touchpoints (specific cases that are important in your scenario) are important. Think of a treasure map with landmarks
    • Responsive design that is easy to navigate on all screen sizes
    • Accessibility is for everyone, better designs should make accessibility part of the interaction seamlessly
    • Simplicity, ease of use and intuitive navigation and understanding are key to good UI/UX/visualizations
    • Key Characteristics of Good UI Design - According to 8 Experts
  • Examples of good UI/UX
    • Some common examples of UI/UX that are considered intuitive include, Netflix, Spotify, Bumble, and Google Store
    • There are awards for good UI/UX
    • Webby for websites
    • More general UX would be the UX design awards
    • More examples of designs can be found Dribble
    • bear A markdown note taking app
  • What makes bad UI/UX
    • Not paying attention to your target market and always doing the same thing, and presenting everything in the same way. A pie chart is great, ONLY using pie charts is not
    • Having no plan, hard to navigate interactions, and lots of clicks to get where you want to be
    • Confusing diagrams of the analysis that are hard to follow, not paying attention to how things look to others, for example a chart or website all in shades of red would be hard to use, tough for people with colour blindness, and not intuitive to navigate
  • Examples of bad UI/UX
    • I'm sure everyone can think of examples of times where you tried to use a product, navigate a website, play a game, or anything else where it was such a confusing and bad experience you gave up. Therefore we'll look at humorously bad options
    • Reddit has a whole subreddit for bad UI battles
    • Some designers have implemented collections of these bad UI examples
    • Challenge: Fill out this form as fast as you can Yes it's bad on purpose.
  • How UI/UX can affect how data is used and seen
    • Part of UI/UX is organization and consistency, if your data isn't organized it's hard to use, think of adding in a birthday to a website, you expect the dates to be in order right? What if they weren't?
    • If you give too much data and information to a user right away, you will overload them and they won't get much out of it, think of my TL;DR videos at 20min, vs if I recorded a two hour lecture for you to listen to, or the 17hour video on SQL in my resources
    • If your interface is confusing and frustrating, even if the user powers through because they have to, they won't get as much out of it, and if they misunderstand what you're trying to convey you'll lose their trust and they won't listen/read/see/understand what you want them to
  • How and why people can manipulate data
    • Data can show anything you want, for example, US is best at Football! 100% of Superbowls are won by US teams! Are you impressed by that? Is the US the best at football? No? Why not? Did you make a face and say something about American football and not REAL football
    • Showing the right data (or the wrong data) can change how people view things
    • If you can understand what data to collect and how it influences choices you can choose where to press
    • Dark Patterns are unfortunately a common thing, especially in social media. But the ability to subtly press people into things using data has been used for many years for good things (eating vegetables during WWII) or bad things (Doom scrolling)
    • An example of where data can be manipulated for good and bad is in science, this chapter explains how science data can be manipulated
  • Examples of people manipulating data
  • Current industries where data abuse is rampant
    • Social Media
    • Healthcare that isn't (DNA databases)
    • Banks that aren't (Things that appear to be insured banks but aren't)
    • User-to-user payment or investing services
    • Internet Service Providers (ISPs)
    • Large conglomerates such as Microsoft , Amazon and Google
    • For-profit educational institutions
  • Examples of where data is used for common good
    • Hygiene, hand washing is a relatively new concept as are germs. Even as late as the 1840s hand washing for medical professionals was seen as weird and not needed
    • Health of a nation, cigarettes were seen as "healthy" as little as 100 years ago and recommended by doctors even for people with Asthma. Data has shown that they are not healthy
    • Climate change

Suggested Activities and Discussion Topics:

  • Follow the instructions on this PDF
  • In pairs or small groups, discuss the following questions:
    • What is an example of an ethical dilemma you encountered in data manipulations?
    • How do these instances of data misuse or abuse impact individuals or society as a whole? Are there specific examples that stand out to you?
    • What is an example of a UI that you would consider manipulative, and why?
  • Complete this PDF

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