Introduction to SQL

Learning outcomes:

  • Describe the use of SQL in a database
  • List some advantages of using query languages like SQL
  • Describe the parts of a basic SQL query such as : Select Title from books where PublishingDate = 2001;

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  • How to get data into a database
    • You can import a number of different types of files including text, but CSV files are commonly used
    • Imports can also happen from other programs including spreadsheet programs or other database programs
    • If you're using SQL you can use a create table or insert command to get your data into your database
    • There are also some Graphical options depending on the database type you're using
    • You can also write a script to enter in your data
  • How databases look different on different systems
    • Databases can be access by either Graphical User Interface (GUI) or Command line
    • The system you're using will affect how the data is stored and where it's being used
  • Different between how the data is stored and how it's accessed
    • You can have many different front end options, each may have different steps like switching between MS Word and Gooogle Docs
    • Dashboards are also commonly used for people that need to see but not change the data
    • SQL Dashboards
    • Databases will save the information on your computer but that will depend on what database is installed, which can be different then the front end used
    • Databases can also be on servers and in the cloud, the front end would connect to those for viewing
    • Generally only a few people may change the data, but many more will be able to see the data
  • Examples of front ends
    • You can build your own, but a lot of people use already made options
    • Your front end can be as simple or complex as you like, some are free, some are not.
    • Some database front end options can be very complex and include data analytics and visualizations, examples include Tableau, MS Power BI, Oracle Analytics Cloud and AIMMS
  • Data Dictionary
    • A data dictionary is an explanation of the data saves in our database
    • Should be centralized so everyone using the database is seeing the same definitions
    • Clarity can be an issue
    • Names listed aren't always obvious, and descriptions can be lacking
    • Active dictionaries are created within the database and auto updated, passive are separate and must be updated manually
  • What is SQL
    • SQL or Structured Query Language is how we can interact with our database
    • SQL can be used to view, organize and manage the data
    • SQL commands or queries are done on the command prompt and look similar to command line commands
    • SQL is relatively human readable once you're used to the syntax
    • Scripts can be written to automate things and make queries more efficient to use
    • Select Star SQL: Interactive textbook to learn SQL
  • Why it's so popular
    • SQL is interactive, so you can see your results pretty fast and make sure you're looking at the right info
    • It's close enough to programming a lot of developers are very comfortable learning it quickly
    • Because it's popular a lot of people learn and use it, therefore making it more popular
    • SQL is relatively dependable and has been in use so long a lot of people have done a lot of testing on it
    • Once it's setup correctly a company is unlikely to move away into a new technology
    • Because SQL is relatively human readable a lot of people use it in companies including marketing, QA and sales,some larger companies will even offer free courses for people to learn it
  • SQL the brand
    • SQL was standardized in the 80s, but there are different dialects depending on what database you're using
    • SQL server is proprietary and owned by MS, Dialects including PostgreSQL and SQLite
    • For example PostgreSQL is open source and for Object oriented databases (we've been talking about relational), and can also suppose JSON data types
  • Breakdown of a basic query
    • For right now we're just using basic SQL standard
    • Each table in our database will have fields, each record will have a row and column. We need to know what we want to look at to form our query properly
    • Each SQL query is going to start and include commands such as SELECT, UPDATE, INSERT and DELETE
    • You want to figure out what you want first, and then try and translate it into a query. For example if you want to look at all customers in your database you might say "SELECT * FROM Customers;"
      • SELECT is saying what you want
      • The * indicates you want everything
      • FROM is where you're getting the info
      • Customers is the table we're pulling from
    • SQL Tutorial from W3Schools

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