Able to create scripts to do user management including add/delete users and password resets
Able to securely manage users
Able to create, modify and maintain Control groups such as (add/remove/add members/set defaults), set defaults for new users, set common scripts/aliases Monitor disk usage, use sudo, use/sudo edit/wheel group kill user processes
Single sign on (SSO) vs multiple accounts/passwords
Use Multi Factor authentication
User Security and Least Privilege
The principle of Least Privilege
Better stability and security
Be careful and polite, can lead to antagonistic encounters with users
Root vs sudo
Disk usage, Is the user using an odd amount for their needs?
Tools like fail2ban, Bans login after unsuccessful attempts
Password Management
Multi factor authentication is recommended for all access
When having users set passwords, consider things like:
How long is the password? 12? 16? 20? Characters?
Should you require special characters like % * or @ as part of your password
Check to see if the password has already been stolen before allowing it to be set on places like Have I been Pwned
Should you restrict the reuse of old passwords?
Do you have your passwords required to change every X amount of days (No longer recommended)
You can also consider things like calculating how long it would take to break a password before allowing it's use on somewhere like This Brute Force Calculator
Types of Accounts on servers
System accounts such as Apache (web) or Daemons (Background processes)
Home directory (Where is yours? Is everyone's the same? How are they setup?)
What shell is being used? Can you change it? How is that decided?
Passwords move to /etc/shadow
Special symbols in the password file
*= nologin account
!= dissallows login
Can also use a false shell or nologin to prevent access without deleting accounts
Admin accounts and access
Sudo Su will switch user to root
Sudo can run single command with root privilege
!! will run previous command, so "sudo !!" will run previous command with sudo without retyping the whole thing
Generally it's recommended you use sudo instead of logging in as root for safety
Wheel group vs sudoers
Legacy option, not recommended - Wheel is as if you have root access
Sudoers you can add to group to give access
Sudoers has more control
Root is the actual administrative account on the system and has full unrestricted access. Lots of places actually don't allow remote root login for security purposes
Examples of common and useful scripts you might see on servers
Bulk add users
Bulk delete users (With or without file clean up)
Disk usage monitoring
Listing accounts that never logged in
List files taken off the server (exfiltration)
Important Files in your system NOTE: Your files may be located in other places and called other things, you MUST check your own system and get to know where things are
/etc/passwd - user acct info : user:password:UID:GID:comment:shell
/etc/shadow - encrypted passwords (* for system nonlogin, ! for no login like root)
/etc/group - Groups and their users (wheel special group)
/etc/login.defs - (defaults for users)
/etc/adduser.conf - (systems using adduser instead of useradd)
/etc/sudoers - the list of people in the sudoers group
useradd command is used to create new accounts in Linux
usermod command used to modify the existing accounts in Linux
userdel command is used to delete local account in Linux
passwd command used assign password to local accounts or users.
change command is used to view & modify users password expiry information
groups username #shows groups for a user
lastlog to see last login of users (including never logged in
chpasswd for group password changes (chpasswd < passchangefile #username:password)
Suggested Activities:
On each of your servers try and find the key files, make a note of where they are located, what they are called (if different then the list) and make sure you look at the format so you're familiar with them
On each of your servers try the common commands. Make sure you can successfully add users, change groups, change access, and login as the user
In pairs, choose one (or more!) of the common and useful scripts, discuss what should go into the script and try putting together the script in a language of your choice
In pairs, work together to create a script to add users to your server from a list of names. Try your scripts on level 1 and level 2 names
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